
DBMS | Database Management System :Studywow


Here, Studywow provide you very-very important topics of DBMS (Database Management System) Notes, for your exam preparation and to increase your knowledge. We are 100% sure, that it will pass you in the bca DBMS (Database Management System) Exam. And you will have very good numbers. Section 'C' contain 15 marks, Section 'B'  7.1/2 marks and Section 'A' 3 marks. So read them all carefully.

Section ‘C’ :DBMS (Database Management System)

Q1. ‘Normalisation’? Why do we need normalize the database? Difference between 3NF and BCNF and 2NF?

Q2. ‘E-R Diagram’ definition? (diagram like Hospital Management/School and College Management with E-R funcationality)

Q3. ‘Three level architecture’ of ‘DBMS’? and Objective of use it?

Q4. (a) ‘Indexed Sequential’ file Organisation? With example?
       (b) ‘B tree’ with example?
       (c) ‘B+ tree’ with example?

Q5. ‘ACID’ property of a ‘transaction’ and ‘usefulness’ of each with example? What is ‘Transaction System’?

Q6. ‘Strong entity’ and ‘Weak entity’?

Q7. ‘SQL Quries’ Types? (Nested Query’/’Primary Key’ SQL Quries?)

Section ‘B’ :DBMS (Database Management System)

Q1. ‘Concept of Key’? or ‘Primary Key’? ‘Super Key’? ‘Candidate Key’? ‘Foreign Key’?

Q2. ‘File System Approach’ and ‘Database Approach’ and its 3 main advantage? (or ‘Components of DBMS’?) (or ‘File Processing System vs DBMS’?)

Q3. ‘Hashing’? and all ‘Collision resolution techniques’?

Q4. ‘Referential ‘Integrity Constraint’ with example? (Why do we need it?) (‘Integrity’?) (Difference between Referential Intigrity Constraint and Relational Algebric Constraint?)

Q5. ‘Data Independence’? or ‘Logical data independence and ‘Physical data independence’?

Q6. ‘Entity’ and its types? ‘Entity Sets’?

Q7. ‘Generalisation’ and ‘Specialisation’?

Q8. ‘Functional Dependency’? ‘Full functional Dependency’? with example?

Section ‘A’

Q1. ‘Data Model’? and its various categories? (‘Relational Model’ and ‘Relational Database’)

Q2. ‘Relational Algebra’?

Q3. ‘Inheritance’?

Q4. ‘Super Class’? and ‘Sub Class’?

Q5. ‘Aggregation’ with example? and Association?

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