
Table tag in HTML | Get & Post method | Read more

Studywow: Topics= 1. What is Table Tag in HTML. 2. How hidden values and passwords are submitted using HTML tags. or GET and POST method in HTML. 3. Error in Java Programming. or Error Detection and Correction in Java.
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Q1. What is Table Tag in HTML? How it is used?

Ans. HTML table is an element comprised of table rows and columns. In HTML, tables are defined with the following tag:
Syntax: <table>... </table>

Elements of HTML table :
(a) To create a table rows, use <tr>...... </tr> tag.
(b) To create a table data, use <td> ...... </td>tag.
(c) To divide the table row into heading, use<th>......</th>tag.

Q2. How hidden values and passwords are submitted using HTML tags?

Ans. Hidden fields are similar to text fields, with one very important difference. The difference is that the hidden field does not show on the page. Therefore, the visitor can't type anything into a hidden field, which leads to the purpose of the field: to submit information that is not entered by the visitor. Below is a list of valid settings for hidden fields:

HTML = hidden
Explanation = Hidden field.

HTML = name=
Explanation = Name of the field.

HTML = value=
Explanation = Value of the field.

The name setting adds an internal name to the field, so the program that handles the form can identify the fields. The value setting defines what will be sent once the form is submitted.
For example: <html>
<title> Studywow Website </title>
<form name="my form" action="http://www.mydomain.com/myformhandler.cgl" method="POST">
<div align="center">
<input type="text" size="25" value="Enter your name here!">
<input type="hidden" name="Language" value="English">
</div> </form>
</body> </html>
Output: Enter your name here!
The hidden field does not show, but still, when the form is submitted the hidden field is sent with it.

In this example, the hidden field would tell the program that handles the form, that the users preferred language is English.
webhelpers.html.tags.password(name, value=None, id=<class 'webhelpers.misc. NotGiven'>,**attrs)
Create a password field.

Q3. Identify the Error of Java Programming in the following code ?

Class scope {
public static void main(String args[])
{  int m = 10;
{  int m = 20;
} }
Ans. The above code gives "Compile time error" because the statement:
int m = 20;  is an uninitialised object.

Q4. Correct the Error of Java Programming in the following code ?

class Varname  {
public static void main (string [ ] args)
system.out.printin ("Hello world!")
Ans. class Varname  {
public static void main(string[] args)
System.out.Println("Hello world!")

[ Topics= Table Tag in HTML, GET and POST method in HTML and Error in Java Programming ]
[ Topics= Table Tag in HTML, GET and POST method in HTML and Error in Java Programming ]

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Topics :
1. Table tag in HTML (click here).
2. GET and POST method in HTML (click here).
3. Error in Java Programming (click here).